It’s grant season and I’m enjoying the writing more than ever this year. I’ve had a few days in the last couple of weeks where I could give undivided attention to chronicling suddenlyLISTEN’s past, and introducing our 11/12 season - plus editing, adding, swapping words and generally enjoying the giant puzzle that is clarifying ideas. I may not be gifted in the spoken word, but I do love to write and rewrite until Nirvana is reached (in the case of the Canada Council Nirvana in six pages in a font point no smaller that 11!).
So now I’m between edits, waiting for my generous, suportive, super experienced and highly demanding grant helper to do some reading, and send me a new edit with a thousand suggestions!
I’m working on three applications at the same time: one special project and Canada Council Operating (the six pager).
The Special Project is The Cello of Mr O, an idea I’ve been working on for 5 years! It’s been a labour of love that I’ve shared with many friends and fellow artists for sure. And I’ve seen rejections letters in the mailbox, and many a deadline go by feeling guilty for not getting it together to submit too. I’ve recently gotten back in touch with Jane Cutler, the book’s author. She is most enthusiastic and I’m honoured to have the inspiration of such a great piece of kid’s literature, and the support of such a wonderful woman! The story is about a little girl, her experiences in wartime, and her friendship with Mr O an old cellist who lives across the hall. It’s a story about hardship and the power of music and it makes me happy and sad each time I read it. Go out and buy it. And then come to our show, in about a year! I’m working with Steve Naylor on the music part, and we’ll have all sorts of fun programming Max and Jitter as we get past the funding and deeper into the final creation.
This time I think we’re getting it right. Steve has already received a commission from suddenlyLISTEN through the N.S. Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, (many thanks to them!) so we are underway! Fingers crossed.
Meanwhile I guess I’d better stop writing and remember that I’m a mild mannered cellist in real life, and go and woodshed some notes out of the big stack of symphony music on my stand. Back to multitasking…..
Mar 5, 2011 at 16:45